

The Oceanário offers a series of simple, quick solutions to visitors.
If you have any questions, please consult the Help Topics on this page.

You can also contact us by e-mail or telephone. We’ll be happy to assist you.

Help Topics

What are your opening hours?
Click here to view the Oceanário’s opening hours.
How can I get to the Oceanário de Lisboa?
Click here to find out how to get to the Oceanário.
How much does a ticket to the Oceanário de Lisboa cost?
Click here to view our ticket prices.
Are there special fees for Schools?
Click here to find out about our special conditions for Schools and Teachers.
How can I plan and book a guided tour?
Click here to find out how to book a guided tour.
Where does the water used to fill the aquariums come from?
The Oceanário uses water from the water supply network, to which the required amount of salt is added. We import salt from the Red Sea (Israel), as its chemical properties are essential to ensuring the quality of our seawater.
Do sharks eat the other fish housed in the main aquarium?
Despite being predatory animals, sharks do not usually prey on other fish when in captivity, as they are well fed. Therefore, attacks on other fish are rare.
What do the sharks eat?
The sharks usually eat fish, octopus and squid.
Where has the sunfish come from?
The Algarve coast.
What does the sunfish eat?
Gelatine with vegetables, fish and crustaceans.
Where have the penguins come from? How long do they live?
Most of our penguins have come from the San Francisco Zoo, in the USA. They live for about 20 years.
Where have the sea otters come from? How long do they live?
Our otters have come from Alaska. They live for about 20 years in their natural habitat.
Are the corals housed in the main Indian Ocean tank real?
The corals you can see in this tank are artificial. They have been introduced for decorative purposes and to provide shelter to the species housed in the tank. Removing such a large amount of live corals from their natural habitat would represent a serious threat to the survival of these species.